The intro to tech course is an introductory course into the basic skills needed for technical diving. You will learn how to dive with a twinset and master all the necessary safety procedures. Besides that we will go over essential skills like propulsion techniques, buddy teams, positioning and a lot more. The course consists of minimum 3 days and 3 dives.

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The Sidemount course, as the title explains teaches you how to dive with two cylinders besides your body instead of on your back. Initially Sidemount was created for cave diving but it is getting increasingly more popular in open water as well. This course takes 4 days.


During the technical sidemount course you will learn how to manipulate 2 stages while in sidemount configuration. This course is ideal for anyone who is sidemount certified and in the future wants to do an advanced nitrox course, but also for someone who is already a deco pro or trimix diver but who's done everything in twinset set up. The course takes 3 days and 3 dives.

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The Advanced Nitrox course is an essential course and requirement before you can start your deco pro course. During this course you will learn how to manipulate a stage, how to extend your NDL and besides that a review of essential skills and several theory lessons about gas management etc. The course takes 4 days(alone), and in combination with the deco pro it takes 6 days(ask me for more info.


The technical DPV course is a course well suited for technical divers who are already rec DPV divers(requirement). During the course you will learn essential skills to safely do decompression dives with a DPV. The course takes 3 days and 3 dives

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